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I'm playing Dadachaem's Awakening with a friend, and we're finding that we are typically getting 5-7 Hope Reborn! per scenario. We think we're past the half-way point of the campaign, in the middle of the mission
. During this scenario, we went almost immediately to
for the first time, and having just left, we've already got 7 Hope Reborn! cards and are nearly full life point-wise. We still have
multiple side quests that we could progress/finish
, but doing so feels like we will likely miss out on some level of the reward, since we can't get any more HR! (Or we will start the next scenario with many HR!, thus not being able to get as many in that scenario.)

Do others find that they end up 'capped' on HR! cards? I can say that on a future playthrough we probably won't build the Cemetery again, since it seems like we don't quite get full value out of it. In our shoes, would you
complete additional side quests
Thank you! Knowing that you are continuing development on the stickers is enough for me, and I appreciate your continued effort. I'll make sure to keep an eye on the BGG Files section as well.
@Dill, many thanks for this resource.

If you're not already doing so, I may make a 1.9 version for latest errata. Would you be willing to share the source document from which you made the PDF? (I don't have a way to edit PDFs but I could take a whack at arranging things in Word or PowerPoint and then try to export.)