Forums/ The 7th Citadel/ General2 messages
Received my Kickstarter a few days ago. I have 7th Continent and have won the base game once and have finished a couple of the expansions. I think I have an expansion saved in the game box.

Should I try to finish the rest of the 7th Continent expansions before digging into Citadel? It seems that there isn't any lore carryover from one to the other. Citadel, with its additional mechanics and systems, seems much more intriguing. But if I do start playing Citadel, will I ever want to go back and finish the more vanilla Continent?

Oh, the quandary! Thoughts?
The games are completely separate. They share some mechanics, but other than that they are very different. The setting, the world and the story are not connected in any way.
Forums/ The 7th Citadel/ General2 messages