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If you decide to re-start a threat because you went unconscious and lost how do you reset the game. I assume that you return all discarded cards and banished cards? Is it necessary to replay the Intro Scenario again to acquire starting assets such as Hope Reborn cards, etc.
Sarah a écrit : I apologize, I only copied the second line. In any case, you need to do what the first line asks, and "Then...." So we agree then that you can not do the second without having completed the first line. So this gets back to my original question as to the designer's intent. Since this is the first scenario it seems a bit odd to have a mandatory action with little or no chance of success at this stage of the game. Posté
Sarah a écrit : First, you need to apply the text at the top of the card, where it reads: What is confusing with the line you pointed out is the word 'Then'. This implies you only do this if you've completed the previous line's actions. This is how I read it. Posté
When a Mandatory Action is in play can any other action be taken before or during resolution (in the case the mandatory action is a compound action) of the mandatory action?
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I'm playing Dadachem's Awakening the first scenario. During exploration close to the Citadel,
a search at the Strange Slab revealed temporary event card 057 which has a mandatory action for all characters on the card. The action requires drawing 90+ cards less 10 for each Strange Slab seen on the map. Since this is the first scenario there is only 1 slab on the map which means I'm required to draw 80 cards as a minimum. I'm playing solo so this would equate to 40 life points. Since I've already done some exploring I will not survive this mandatory action and become unconscious which be the end of the adventure. I think I have this correct. If its the end of the adventure so be it but I just wanted to check to make sure this was the designers intent so early in the game. Posté
I've encountered a creature with the Ambush trait. The effect of Ambush is that the Gear Up step is skipped in action resolution. However I have the Sneak Attack card in my hand which has the Ignore Ambush effect. According to the rules the effects of cards in your hand are not applied until step 3 Result which is after the Gear Up step??
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First, it seems quite rare to me to see a player fail the introductory scenario (but it's not impossible). It would be good to make sure that you played without major errors: did you detect any particularly difficult situations? So I was indeed making a major error. During Compound Actions I wasn't reducing the dice value for each success. Instead I was attempting to achieve all success in one action!! Posté
This is my first Serious Pulp game. I attempted the Intro Scenario solo with a single character and ended up unconscious and not able to complete the scenario. It was a fun experience and I intend the play through the scenario again. Some questions:
1 - Does the game scale 'uniformly' across the number of characters? Is the game 'easier' with 2 characters as opposed to 1? I could see some benefits to having a second character even though the starting health is lower it might make some of the challenges more manageable. If you are soloing the game are you play single handed or two handed? 2 - To replay the Intro Scenario I'll return all the cards to the starting locations in the box and replay. Since this is the Intro Scenario this will work. Once I've progressed further into the game I think the only way to reset the scenario is to make sure all the discarded cards and banished cards are not mixed with the discards or banished cards from prior scenarios. Will this work for replay of future scenarios? Posté
If during the Consequence step you are told you can add a card to your hand instead of discarding it and your hand is full can you discard a card from your hand so that you can add the new card? I'm asking because on page 19 of the rules - Hand Size - it says that you must discard excess cards from your except during and action you are involved in. Is the Consequence step considered to be part of the Action? If so then you should not be able to discard a card from your hand to make room for the new card gained during the Consequence step.