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So, we finally got a
and there is no corresponding keyword. I suspect I'd be happy to use any item with the word
in the title next time around.
We have an item where something happens after
you do a Good Deed
. Is
Good Deed
a phrase we should looking for in the game or do we need to use our judgement?
Sarah a écrit :
No in this case you absolutely need a
, another similar object cannot be used.

Thanks Sarah
We have found another item, a trinket, which has the keyword in its title and is clearly a
but does not have the keyword at the bottom of the item in the white text on black background script.

For things like Weapons the word Weapon appears as a keyword at the bottom of the card so it feels like there is some inconsistency here.
Sleeving everything definitely requires more than three card boxes... I'm using five with all but the Final Throne and Edge of Peril, four might just be possible at a squeeze depending on which expansions you have.
Just wondering whether Sarah can confirm the type of plastic used for card wraps and for the sleeve packets? I want to check on recycling ♻ Thx
Posté - Edité
Thanks Sarah, there were definitely nine packs but one seemed smaller than the other eight. I'll check where I end up when I finish the expansions and just order another pack at the store if I am short. thumb
Thanks Schleima - that's good to hear.
XanderLeaDaren a écrit :
So you should have enough with the 1300+ sleeves from the storage 2nd box, right?

That's what I was expecting yes - hence I'm not clear why I have run short. I wanted to check whether others had received the 2x4 packs and one smaller pack in that second box.

It does occur to me that I used two sleeves per double (book) card so perhaps that's where the shortfall came from? That said, I'm not sure how else one might protect those ;-)
I've sleeved all the cards in the base game and two of the expansions but am running out sleeving the Final Throne and Edge of Peril. The All-In came with two big packs of four "standard" sleeve packs and one smaller pack on its own - is that right?

Is it possible I've missed a pack somewhere? I neglected to count them before I began.
We have encountered
and the exploration card states
if you have a "Mirror" purse card they ignore you
. We have a purse card named
Mirror of the soul (C1120)
. Does this count as a
despite not having the keyword at the bottom?

Generically, does a purse card have to have a given keyword on the bottom black strip to count as that sort of item?

I know we could house rule this thematically if we wanted to but would be interested in knowing the intent or whether the keyword might be missing from this card.
Thank you Firebird. It sounds like we need to try harder D'
If a scenario asks me whether I have
"Objective no. 1"
is this referring to an objective card with
"no. 1"
printed on it?

I've played the intro scenario a couple of times and haven't come across an objective card with
"no. 1"
printed on it.