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One character - call them A - will be the active player for the first action of the fight. If it is a mandatory combat, all other characters on the card must also participate, but are not the active player. If it is not mandatory, any other characters can freely choose to participate or not.
After a single action, A will either have completely resolved the compound action, or not. If they have; yay! If not then resolve the consequences of failure, including reducing any dice necessary on the card, and then: Any character other than A chooses to be the active player for a new action. If it is a mandatory combat, all other characters on the card must also participate, but are not the active player. If it is not mandatory, any other characters can freely choose to participate or not. Repeat. I suspect you might be thinking of the fight as a single action? But a compound action is one that can be completed by a series of successive progressive attempts, each of which is a separate action, with a separate active player, gear cards chosen, hand cards played, etc. Posté
Some cards specifically say that you can play them on an action that you're involved in. And also, some actions can have effects on one or more involved characters.
We generally find it useful uncommonly enough that we just assume every action is solo, and speak up when we get cards or see situations that would allow us to contribute. Posté
Definitely did that too.
Managing the 013 deck has become one of the most consistent focuses of our game. You draw the weakness one, so then the other player does everything you think is likely to cause a try your luck test for a bit, until you see something that you don't think you'll mind failing. Then you auto-fail that one to take the weakness out of the deck. We're also more likely to do something that we know will return the Past - like saving, or entering a city Posté
I believe you can use Gambler's Boon any time it would be relevant (i.e., any time you would roll a die) regardless of whether or not you selected it, or even if you are in the middle of a skill test at all.
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I'd argue - unofficially, and with nothing but my own gut to go on - that "immediately" effectively trumps "at any time". There is no time at which you have 4 weaknesses, because immediately upon drawing the duplicate you return it. Unless the quest card specifically said "immediately upon drawing your 4th weakness card" or something equivalent; then it would be a tie for you to choose between.
I'd also argue that in a coop and/or solo game, you should feel free to interpret the rules however you like. You did a clever thing; I wouldn't stress about it. Posté
Thanks Sarah. It seemed different enough from the normal rules that I wanted to check. We'll remember to use our save and/or jumping in and out of cities to get our blessings back.
So just to reconfirm, now that I've checked the card proper:
Card A0382, the extra-bad #13 "You are jinxed..." card, says: "Immediately after this is revealed, discard all of your cards with the keyword BLESSING" (emphasis mine). So as everyone has pointed out above, rules as written clearly states that they are discarded to the Past. Every other case I've found so far that tells me to lose a blessing tells me to return it, rather than discard it to the Past, so I'm still hoping to confirm whether it was the designer's intent that it behave differently in this case. Posté
Sorry, I used the wrong term. What I meant was, are the temporary blessings, which are normally returned, so they can be re-used in this scenario,
in this case discarded into the Past, so they cannot be acquired again during this scenario unless you save. (Because the cards that tell you to take a blessing generally have the diamond, so as not to cause you to re-shuffle the Past if the card is not present, in the case where some character already has that blessing.) I think you've both answered the question I meant - I'd just said "discard pile" when I meant the Past. Posté - Edité
The "try your luck" mechanism, involving
the 13 cards discard all of your blessings. discard to the discard pile "discarding" means to return the card instead? Posté
Make sure you read all the actions that you're supposed to take; they're scattered around a bit:
at the end of the scenario you just completed at the beginning of the new scenario you're starting in the middle of the new scenario text at the end of the new scenario text, in the Preparation Phase This will _usually_ - but not always! - involve you discarding your hand, remaining deck, and blocked cards, shuffling your discards back into a new deck, and drawing some cards for a starting hand in the new scenario. BUT, don't just assume all of those things will happen! My rule of thumb is that, if one of those steps doesn't appear to have happened, to go back and check that I haven't missed something, but then believe it if it really isn't there. We like to perform all of the steps from the end of a scenario and the beginning of the next one all at once, including the Preparation step and all of our Citadel actions. Then we "save" when we're actually ready to start the next adventure. When we come back, we just re-read the text without taking the actions (which we've already done.) Posté
I don't have the scenario book in front of me, but I believe its either part of the epilogue, or part of the card that sends you to the epilogue. It's definitely in there (though I haven't finished the whole threat yet, so I can't guarantee that you _always_ discard the map. Seems likely though.)
Nope. You have to be on a card _next_ to it, with an arrow pointing to the exploration card. 1st you explore, then you move onto the revealed terrain card after (assuming that a terrain card is, in fact, revealed...)
Huh. Now that I've said that, I wonder if it's ever possible to be adjacent to an exploration card _without_ an arrow pointing to it from your card. There would obviously have to be an arrow pointing to it from another card adjacent to the same space. I'm not sure what you'd do then - I suspect they've just engineered it to never happen. Posté
That "Easily forgotten golden rules" section (p.27, in my current copy) is more or less directly contradicted by the bit on p13 that says:
Some effects enable the active player to convert into various bonuses the class icons shown in the result areas of the revealed cards, on the gear cards they have selected, on the cards in their hand... But Sarah has made it clear, in a thread on BGG, that it is the golden rule that is correct. Posté
The only thing I've noticed that specifies order so far - and its quite important - is the building that specifies that you get a Hope Reborn card at the beginning of the Preparation phase, if you have > 10 collective hp. This would obviously be trivial if you could heal first.