Forums/ The 7th Citadel/ Errors on the game2 messages
Adventure Card 283 [A0799] has a 0-cost action to read a section of the dialogue book. Depending on the campaign and scenario being played, this can earn the players a
150 - You Are Focused
card. As best I can tell, this can then be repeated ad nauseam to allow
all players to craft their ideal hand of cards.
You've got a strong point here. I see nothing that states you can't keep doing it over and over. The card has multiple actions, which are intended to be setup that you can do all of them if you want. I really hope they don't change it to where you discard after one action because that would not be cool.

As it is, it still has limits to how useful. Once you build your three card hand, no incentive to keep using it. If you are pulling from your action deck, that has a hidden cost of shrinking your action deck. It also probably forces discards. I can't see anyone doing the repeat action more than once or twice.
Forums/ The 7th Citadel/ Errors on the game2 messages