Forums/ The 7th Citadel/ Rules and Operating Points3 messages
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When resolving an action and being able to take class symbols in the results area of cards into account my group found the wording confusing and felt it could have easily been clarified with a slightly deeper example.

The wording:
Convert class icons into various bonuses
Some effects enable the active plyer to convert into various bonuses the class icons shown in the result areas of the revealed cards, on the purse cards they have selected, on the cards in their hand, on the side quest cards, etc

We felt that it could be read the correct way, that the class icons in the result areas of the revealed cards and not the result area of any other cards, and also, that the class icons in the results areas of all the other cards noted are included.

After completing the first scenario in Daedachaem's Awakening a card confirmed for us that the rule is the former rather than the latter, but we just felt an example that specifically noted this would have been really helpful.

EDIT: I've just noticed a golden rule on the back on the manual!

Any stars or class icons in the result area of cards are only ever taken into account when they are revealed from the active player's Action Deck during the Result step of an action.

That "Easily forgotten golden rules" section (p.27, in my current copy) is more or less directly contradicted by the bit on p13 that says:
Some effects enable the active player to convert into various bonuses the class icons shown in the result areas of the revealed cards, on the gear cards they have selected, on the cards in their hand...

But Sarah has made it clear, in a thread on BGG, that it is the golden rule that is correct.
DevNull a écrit :
That "Easily forgotten golden rules" section (p.27, in my current copy) is more or less directly contradicted by the bit on p13 that says:
Some effects enable the active player to convert into various bonuses the class icons shown in the result areas of the revealed cards, on the gear cards they have selected, on the cards in their hand...

But Sarah has made it clear, in a thread on BGG, that it is the golden rule that is correct.

In that same threat it’s also made clear that this is not a contradiction.
You can use symbols on cards in hand, but only from the blue half, as you can’t use the white half if the card wasn’t drawn from the action deck.
flag_curse_sm VG: icon_succes PoC: icon_succes IM: icon_succes
CS card_pick009: icon_succes, card_pick123: icon_succesicon_succes
VotE icon_succes SoM icon_succes
Forums/ The 7th Citadel/ Rules and Operating Points3 messages