Forums/ The 7th Citadel/ Strategies & Tactics7 messages |
Hello all,
when first time reading the rule book, I was very excited about the concept of Class Icons - together with the "chain" symbol, they would give the perfect opportunity to the players to specialize on different topics. But when playing (current state: "Introduction", "Smoke" and "Get Fed" finished), so far this "chain symbol" together with the overall uselessity of Class Icons turns out to be veeeeeery frustrating. Currently we can use the Class Icons only in very very rare and special cases, mostly in specialized actions (like casting a bubble) and not to support ongoing gameplay's actions. Even worse, most of them immediately must be discarded after usage. For this rare usage, in my opinion there are by far too many Icons on the cards - I'm afraid we are doing something wrong? Currently, all of us four are extremely similar in capabilities. When reading the rules, I thought we would train different things, for example the one is very strong, the other can handle weapons and so on. Will there be more use of Class Icons in later scenarios, are we making improper use of them - or are they really that unimportant? Regards Marcus. Posté
Hello Marcus,
Welcome here ! ![]() The more you will spend "Hope" for some Advanced skills, the more you will have ![]() And of course, the more you find ![]() There's a moment (mid-Theart ?) when you should be happy to draw Class icons to activate all your stuff. ![]() ![]() ![]() T7Continent : ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() T7Citadel : ![]() Posté
Hi Firebird,
thank you for your reply! Then I'm afraid we've probably done everything right after all. That's not very promising, since we do not really like the situation that it makes nearly no difference which of the characters takes an action (as with every cooperative game: If you have a very authoritarian person at the table, you really need the characters to have very different skills so that there's enough personal responsibility for each of them). So I'll promise my fellow players that things will get better from the middle of the threat and hope that they don't lose their interest ![]() I just re-read the rules and found out that we handled the "Hope reborn" cards the wrong way (we misunderstood the term "return the blocked ones" as "return them to the journal", which is obviously fatally wrong since the meaning of "return" is very well defined). If we would have done it correctly, we would own _even less_ Advanced Action Cards. Marcus. Posté
Hi Marcus,
My play group had the same frustration initially, but it has gotten a bit better over time as we level our characters up, as others have said. There is one subtle rules thing we were doing wrong, and I wanted to mention it in case you've made the same mistake we did. The chain symbol limits the number of cards you can consider stars from, but does not limit the class symbols you can take into consideration - you get them all. So if you're trying to use a class-symbol-specific card for a chain action, overdrawing cards is better than you might think. Posté - Edité
carlplaysstuff a écrit : The chain symbol limits the number of cards you can consider stars from, but does not limit the class symbols you can take into consideration - you get them all. So if you're trying to use a class-symbol-specific card for a chain action, overdrawing cards is better than you might think. Our problem is more that the actions we have in deck make very little use of the class symbols. The vast majority of the action cards which use class symbols are of the kind "use it for this veeeery specific action then block it". On the other hand, evolving a character would mean to us to permanently improve one of its capabilities, not giving him a one-time-shot of an operation nobody really needs in that moment. Even worse are the capabilities given by birth. My character, for example, has the special "abilitiy" that something interesting will happen when it is extremely weak. What could be more frustrating than the task to be as weak as possible? I'm not really participating in play, only shuffling around trying to be as clumsy as possible to eventually get enough weakness. That's not very much of fun. Seufz. I've spent a lot of money for this. Hopefully it will get better before my fellow players lose patience ... (I'm not writing this just to moan. My hope is to trigger comments exactly like yours, pointing out things we are possibly misunderstanding. Thank you for that!) Posté
zpneun a écrit :
Strange because I don't have this experience. I know there are cards, which are blocked after use, but not the majority. There are also items which convert symbols to success not of companions! Some companions can convert any symbol to success and they don't get discarded at all. Posté
I actually feel the same way in some capacity. I play with the standard deck where the most the most swirls icons are, and I especially find it kind of frustrating how seldom I can use the only magic there is in the game.
I don't think we've come across items that can be bewitched with the swirl and most of the Action cards you can have on hand are a silver action themselves, and not a brown one so you seemingly can only take very specific actions IF you have the card you need on hand Or you'd have to draw a lot of cards to get the swirls you need. And i feel like this standard Deck is therefor the weakest/least flexible of the four. As overall i think the swirls are very underused in the whole game. Actually I do find the game very cool! I love the world, the adventuring, the story, the cheekyness, but what I long for quite a bit would be a little more flexibility on how you can spend your swirls or maybe manage your Deck. And also a little bit that you have so little interaction in between the player's (Decks). The "Mage" Deck could have easily been one, where you can manage your own, or the Deck of your fellows better by conjuring them to find cards they need right now on their hand or look at the next x cards or smt like that. I'm still thinking about houseruling some (like 3) of those action cards into play where it is more easily possible to manage your/your fellows Deck/Hand cards (your Capabilities/Skills). |
Forums/ The 7th Citadel/ Strategies & Tactics7 messages |
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