Forums/ The 7th Citadel/ Rules and Operating Points2 messages
How do you handle the area II card A0225?

The card has the following:
A required attack action is present BUT then says just right of the attack icon "If your groundshiver is level 5 or higher:". Does that mean you can only engage if your gourndshiver is level 5 or higher? Otherwise just skip the card? It seems confusing that you would skip the action if you are worse at detecting the enemy, but maybe this is just a way to make the game harder only at more experienced levels (i.e. higher groundshiver levels)?
The qualification you are asking about is for the
keyword "Ambush"
. In other words the logic works like this:
If your groundshiver is less than 5, you are required to fight, but no Ambush. If your groundshiver is 5 or higher, you still do the fight, but you add the keyword Ambush to the enemy. So yes, it is a little harder if you have advanced a little farther in the game, but you should also be better equipped for the fight by then anyway.
Forums/ The 7th Citadel/ Rules and Operating Points2 messages