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Update: Bruno confirmed the interpretation over on BGG:

Kornetmuse a écrit :
Yes you do.

FWIW, the two-part question was formulated such that a yes/no answer is ambiguous:

Anguish a écrit :
Do you discard this only if you keep a PREDATOR card, or do you still have to discard it if you activated it for the HUNT action regardless of whether you find a predator or not?
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This just came up on BGG and i'm now i'm curious whether i have been misplaying this...

We're standing on a card which borders an Exploration card, but that Exploration card was placed by a different Terrain card and our current Terrain has no orange arrow pointing to that Exploration card.

May we we pathfind that Exploration card from our current position, or does pathfinding require that the Terrain we are on have an orange arrow pointing to that Exploration card?

Similarly, may we move between two Terrain cards which have no orange arrows along their common border?

Edit: the BGG post:
On my dice there was a 2 which looked like a 3 for the same reason.
Several cards i have encountered have consequences formulated like:

"Each involved character takes a {XXX} card & {-2 durability pips}."

Other cards use the word "and" instead of "&":

"Each involved character takes a {XXX} card and {YYY} card."

The explicit use of "&" instead of "and" seems to imply that "&" should be interpreted differently than "and". Which of the following is the correct interpretation of the first example shown above:

1) "Each involved character takes a {XXX} card and the group takes a total of {-2 pips} (shared among the group, as described on page 17)."

2) "Each involved character takes a {XXX} card and the group takes {-2 pips} per character (shared among the group, as described on page 17)."

3) "Each involved character takes a {XXX} card and each involved character takes {-2 pips} (applied only to their own Inventory)."

4) Something different.


i currently use interpretation #1 because (A) it most closely matches the rules on page 17 and (B) because there "must" be some significance regarding its use of "&" instead of "and" , but i also feel that #2 might be the intended interpretation, as it scales the penalty with the number of characters. (On the other hand, more characters means fewer Inventory items each, so the pip penalty might not need to be scaled.)
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EDIT: the answer was found via comment on BGG pointing us to the official setup video:


For completeness' sake:

1) the answer is "yes, you may apply effects from both brown boxes" and
2) here's the complete original question:

Over on BGG there's a discussion about whether a user can apply BOTH brown-box effects when a single card has the same skill icon on two brown boxes:


That thread uses the
as an example, but the
Grappling Hook
also comes to mind.

The question is: if a single Card has the same skill icon in two separate brown boxes, can the user apply both or must he choose which to apply?
Ren3 a écrit :
Can I ask why you'd want to fail an action? Just curious, I haven't used Frankenstein so I'm not familiar with how his skills work. :)

In this particular case, failing means you gain an XP and success lets you spend your XPs. Thus success and failure are valuable at different times.

ImDarKK a écrit :
I think you can choose to apply or not all effects from your hand ... So you can choose to do not apply them.

That's the real question: this skill (quoted above) is worded such that it's not optional, and cards trump the rulebook (which claims that playing skill cards is optional). We'll have to wait on Bruno for the official answer, but he's off at GenCon.
Hmm - my response to Dimwit's has mysteriously disappeared, but, in short it said:

Facepalm! :blush:
The wording on the card is:

"The following effect applies as long as you have this in hand"

Since cards override the rulebook, it's not clear whether usage of such a card is truly optional ("may") or required.
Consider this case:

One of Lovecraft's skill cards gives him (:card_blue: :icon_succes: :icon_succes_7:) on all Think Actions. That card is in effect as long as he has the card in hand, and the card is not worded in a way which makes it sound optional (it does not use the word "may"). Another one of his skills allows him to take a Think Action, spending/achieving (:card_blue: :icon_succes:) to succeed at that action.

May Lovecraft choose to fail at the second skill even if he has the first one in hand?
Apparently so!
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i just came across card A0235, which looks like this:


It says "If the action is a success..." but i have no idea which action it's referring to.

The iconography in the middle is not the "perform an action" symbols, but the "when performing an action" symbols. i have not yet seen those on an Exploration card and am not certain how to interpret them.

Does this card mean that ANY action(s) of the listed type(s) made while in the Attached Terrain get the listed bonus Successes and the listed effect (on success)? Or does this just apply successes and the listed effect to actions specifically listed on the Attached Terrain? Or does this mean something different?
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i didn't think this was supposed to happen, but it just did and i'm not sure of the proper way to handle this...

i have cards laid out like this:


Card IDs:
A = 258 (A0715)
B = 390 (A0890)
C = 284 (A0744)
D = 255 (A0711) (see below!)

My starting point was "A", after all other cards on the board and in the Past were Returned due to a "stairway event". Then i moved to "C" via one of those "area border" cards at location "B".

A point on card "C" tells me to draw card "D", but "D" is oriented to the same direction as "B", so it would overlap with B. Normally "D" would be discarded (not Banished) after its first use, but because of the "stairway event" which lead to "A", card "D" got Returned.

Is "D" supposed to be placed on top of/replace "B" or should "D" be discarded?

A (non-embeddable) link to a photo of the situation:

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A0890 (Terrain #390) has a thumb-number of 255, but the neighboring card is A0715 (#258), and that card clearly points to 390.
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Tip: 93mm square beer coasters are perfect material for making dividers. You simply need to trim one edge so that they fit in the included inlay boxes. They can be purchased in packs of 100 or more and can used to create dividers, tokens, and paper miniatures for any number of games.
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The success and failure text appears to be accidentally swapped on card A0229. The full details are in this BGG post:

If you mean the thing which i think you mean, then...

i can't stop clicking it :/. Every time i want to click on the menu, i have to click IT first :/.
The Action icon chart on the reference cards is missing the (hilarious) Action icon seen on card A0534.

i'm not sure if that's a bug or not, and it certainly doesn't break the game, but it seems curious.
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BrunoS a écrit :
No, they don't since they are already in play.

Edit: page 14 does indeed say that Exploration cards may not overlap.

There "really should" be an FAQ entry stating that Exploration cards are not placed if they would overlap with existing cards. The rulebook doesn't say that, and i currently have a situation where the Exploration card from the bottom of the above-mentioned card would overlap with an in-play, unresolved Exploration card (from a different Area), leading to much confusion on my part :/.
There's no rule in the book which says that one has to be adjacent to an Exploration card to perform the pathfind action on it (to uncover it). Exploration cards reveal Items or Bonuses immediately place their corresponding terrain card, which can then have other Exploration cards. Those, in turn, can be "pathfound" ("pathfinded?") from two spaces away. If those reveal Bonuses or Items, they reveal their Terrain. Then it's possible to pathfind 3 spaces away. etc...

It seems to me that that's not the intention of the rules, but i see no prohibition against it.