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Kornetmuse a écrit :
I want to know the rules before playing only to be sure to miss anything. But if the rules tells me "don't worry about that you'll know what to do at proper time", that's ok with me :).

It was the same thing for advanced ideas and experience point. The rules doesn't tell us anything about it, but we will discover in time.

For fire there are other details missing: are we limited to 1 per character? What happens when we light a fire and another one is already active? Presumably we just move the fire token (presumably limited to one per character (except in "custom character mode", where the solo custom character explicitly gets 4 fire tokens)), but that's not specified anywhere, neither on cards no in the rulebook.

How to hand fire is definitely a point for the FAQ. (There's a note from an admin earlier in this thread to add something to the FAQ, but i'm not currently seeing fire in the FAQ.)