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Fair point, thanks for the answer.

I seem to meet
at the very start of every threat (2x so far, definitely a trend).
Yes, I specifically refer to the situation when you have that quest activated and the card is banished.

I'm not sure I follow your example. If you explore 107 + put 447 into play and "reset the board later" both those cards are discarded.
So "when you explore 107" the past must have been already returned so both 107 and 447 are available.

Is there a situation when 107 is in the deck but 447 is discarded (and returning the past is therefore expected to be triggered)? I assume not.
That's why I proposed to add the card_if_available to 107 - to handle the banished situation.
Terrain 107 allows you to take 447 card that can banish itself.
Consequently, 107 allows you to take it again, returning the past and still not finding the 447 card (there is just one).
The card_if_available seems to be missing here.
Posté - Edité
This is not breaking so do not read unless you are SP or already finished Drums of Desolation.

This situation allows you to gain a clue after you already solved a puzzle and, in my opinion, this was not intended (as other related clue-giving spaces are designed to not allow that).

Intended flow:
Tharon on card 126 (A0552) gives you a clue when you have "exactly 2 Objective card_type_quest_item cards".
These would be Objectives no. 1 and no. 2 from his roommates.

Alternate flow
If you pick the bird as soon as possible (before talking to the other 2 guys), you will end up with 2 Objective card_type_quest_itemcards: no. 1 and no. 5.
This would then enable you to get a clue from Tharon - though you've already been asked to banish the clues. Seemed unintended.

PS: Why would I pick the bird before getting all the clues? Thanks to info from
In case this wasn't yet reported: In Drums of Desolation threat book, "While you were away" is replaced by "Durant votre absence" on pages 38 and 46
Minor non-critical issue:
In dialogue dialogue
you are asked to banish the card with keyword FUGITIVE and read dialogue
. That second dialogue asks you to banish that same card again (now by name, not by keyword).
1.9 was posted now, this one if truly Letter-compatible unlike the previous ones.
Hi, I planned to make a new version once more errata accumulate (as there is just a single one between 1.8 and 1.9).

Also note that the 1.6 linked here is not the latest - 1.8 is, can be downloaded from BGG.

The source document is Adobe Indesign, by the way.
Hm, I've found only the "medium spoiler" one so far and hoped there will be some use of it in the grand scheme of things. Good to know.
My understanding is that there was no error, I initiated the quest like you did.

1. I found the "thing", but my character had no idea what to do with it.
2. Once I used the Tavern to learn how the "thing" can be used, I can use it and finish the quest.

To me, it made sense that you need to visit
first and cannot just
give such a gift to a random person
I cannot answer the timing question (allowing something to be done "at any time" usually causes trouble) but would like to remark that there is at least one more weakness card
013 jinxed
(And good luck with finding the
If NOT playing Scenario
Initiation (Drums)

  1. Card 354 has a action_observe action that reveals a permanent event
  2. Once that event is resolved it is discarded and replaced by a terrain card
  3. This makes the action_observe doable again, which causes the whole past to return + you have nowhere to place the permanent event now that it had been already replaced by a terrain

If playing the scenario I mentioned above the situation is similar - only the past is not returned as a default multiple_version is still available after discarding the scenario-specific one. I
It's discard to the discard pile. You are truly
Hi, the second one is not an error, see this topic.
Jar carriers
on page 38 is missing the subtitle for the "Preparation" section. All other scenarios have it.
Specifically, it should say
(You are NOT at the Citadel)

It's not a big deal as there is a reminder of this in one of the Preparation steps.
Minor thing:
Should the entry dialogue
On one hand, it's harder to spot when not underlined which may be intended. On the other hand, the card_type_quest_item card
explicitly says that you should seek an underlined name.
Took me quite some time to decode that remark as no such thing is written in the post you quote or anywhere else by me.
But you are right - the official errata have a typo in dialogue 398, I missed that.

Braxus a écrit :
I think you made an error "your may read" is not grammatically correct.

dill a écrit :
Pay special attention when applying the big Drums of desolation booklet sticker so you would not cover what should not be covered - compare with the official errata PDF.
Specifically, that sticker should cover texts up to the "If you want to restart this scenario immediately:" line which should not be covered.
Pay special attention when applying the big Drums of desolation booklet sticker so you would not cover what should not be covered - compare with the official errata PDF.
Specifically, that sticker should cover texts up to the "If you want to restart this scenario immediately:" line which should not be covered.
Posté - Edité
Hi there, so long since the last Continent. Nice to see Firebird still around.

Edit by Firebird : w00t action_greet