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Nice :) I'll surely use this.

Some suggestions for additional resources:
- the brown card back used by the "Satchel & Journal" and "Pocket Watch" cards.
- the front for non-action deck Skill cards (like Octopus Mask or Bird Mask)

Also more "blocks":
- parchment (used on Clue cards),
- non-flavour text used on the back of cards (e.g. when you return the card and take another using a banner)
- "torn out squared paper" used e.g. on botany cards for effects
- "notebook squared paper" used e.g. on botany cards as a background for plant image
No, just one.
When there is a condition for applying an effect, you need to satisfy the condition each time you want to use that effect.
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Hi, thanks for the feedback, I'll ask for more spoilery things in the PM.

About the French translation - thanks for the offers. I'll consider it after the english version is released.
One final sneak-peak. The "Book of Idols" card itself.

You can see the possibilities I'm sure 8-)
(And also how this may be broken by the upcomming WGUMCD expansion, but I'll deal with that when it comes...)
Thanks for your kind words :)
I'll be interested in any feedback from the designers, thanks for the offer.
I'll also make sure there is a big enough disclaimer about the "non-officiality" in the files when published.

Official fan-kit? After all that time spent photoshoping official PNPs and card scans :ninja: ... I'll be glad to update my resources with the official ones :thumb_up:
PS: Before doing this project, I would never quessed that there are so many different card backs in this game ... :-)
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How does it play
The expansion contains 2 modules:
  1. You can play with the new "The Lost Artefact" curse, alone or alongside any other curses.
  2. You can add "Book of Idols" card to your game even when not playing with the new curse (in the same way you would add the "Pocket Watch" from the "Path Of Repentance" expansion)

The expansion is primarily meant for the players who "have seen it all".
Good knowledge of the continent will come in handy, however, there are enough hints that you shouldn't get completely lost even without previous experience.

How does it work
The main idea is that no cards from this expansion (which will be printed by people and would differ in quality from the official cards) are ever shuffled with the original cards.
The Blue Adventure cards form their own deck with green and golden numbered cards - the only difference is that their :card_pick:"numbox" is blue.

An example (minimal spoilers):

And here is the back side of "The Lost Artefact" Clue card (no spoilers, in my opinion):

Can I help?
Sure you can :thumb_up: :action_observe::action_balance::action_take:

Let me know if you'd like to print it and do a playtest this month (The expected play time of the new curse alone is approximately 7 hours, more with all the optional side quests).
Or if you'd like to read all the cards without playing, just to see the ideas and find the mistakes or awkward sentences - that's very helpful too 8-)

The current version is 95% ready, I just need to add some graphics and do a final check of grammar, layout and card numbers.
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A fan-made mini-expansion is nearly finished - I plan to publish it before November.

Lost & Found
Many things and even more people got lost on the 7th continent. Some want to be found, some do not, and some should not.

The expansion contains 90 cards:
  • 1 rules card
  • 1 "Book of Idols" card
  • 1 Clue card for the new curse of "The Lost Artefact"
  • 87 numbered Blue Adventure cards forming the Blue Adventure deck
When creating a New topic, it would be nice to see what Forum/Subforum are you writing to.
Once you click "New topic", you cannot see this information until you submit your post.
I think that "if you can use a botany card" simply means "If there is a plant on your terrain that is also shown on any botany card you have".
I can see the reasoning behind the stricter "use" interpretation, but I think the simpler one makes sense too.
We can analyse the precise wording, but I would be best if the designers could tell us the original intent...

PS: As for the abilities without timing restrictions, I think that using them "literally whenever you want" could lead to some strange/breaking cases if we really tried to find them - though that's really just an unsupported gut feeling of mine.
It does not happen in reply. Only when new topic/thread is created.
When creating a new topic, when I click in the spoiler tag in Preview, the post is unexpectedly submited.
(The problem does not happen when editing existing post, I'm not sure about topic reply)

Will try it here
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This is what the rules say about numbox with a banner:

When a numbox comes with a banner (blue or purple), the active player may either take a card matching the number in the numbox, or take a card whose number is equal to the number in the numbox + the number associated with the pictograph in the banner [...]

Note that it does not say "take a card if available" - such card should always exist.

Now, what if you are in possession of more cards with same +:flag_blue_sm:/:flag_curse_sm: ?
Can those banners be added up and used together?

There are (at least) 3 such situations in the base game:
  1. Two :flag_curse_sm:
    banners - you are supposed to add them together, no one will dispute that.
  2. Two :flag_blue_sm: "light/magnifying glass" banners (found on the Torch and
    ) - are you supposed to be able to add them together? No there are no cards when using +9+9 in
    the cave.

  3. The same goes for "rope" :flag_blue_sm: (found on the Rope and
    some exploration card

What I conclude:
  • You can not combine :flag_blue_sm: (nothing in the rules allows you to)
  • You can (sometimes?) combine :flag_curse_sm:

I suggest one of the following errata:
  • Say it explicitly in the rules that the same :flag_blue_sm: cannot be combined but :flag_curse_sm: can (counter-intuitive solution).
  • OR Say in the rules that you can combine the same banners - but only if the resulting card is available (lazy solution, but allows possible use of "double torch" mechanic in the future).
  • OR Replace one of the :flag_curse_sm:
    banners with a different design, as is done with the "cogs" (strict solution, but disallows use of "double banner" in the future)
  • OR Add special text for 1. allowing the "double banner" in this instance only (ad-hoc solution, adds a (documented) exception)
It's not a mistake. "?" means "any number" here - and there is a reason for that.
Brisinere a écrit :
Do you resolve all of a consequence box before moving on to cards it draws, or do you resolve them as soon as you draw it/choose them as a hunt result, and then go back and resolve the rest of the text box that sent you there?

My thoughts about this: the rules state to always finish one action completely before starting another one. So I think the correct order when successfully hunting is:

  1. Activate the hunt success consequence by drawing X hunt cards
  2. Discard non-predator if bloody, choose one hunt result and return the others.
  3. Banish the hunting card and replace it with the golden one (if applicable), this completes the hunt action.
  4. Only then look at the hunt result and fight the predator / take meat / etc.

In practice, we usually deal with the hunt result before finishing the hunting card consequence, but technically it's not the right order.
Wow, they offered to reprint all the wave 1 cards, see the latest KS update. :thumb_up:
I'll just hope they are not completely financially ruined after this ...
No official word yet - it will probably come after the wave1 shipping business is done - the issue was mentioned already here on BGG and KS so the creators are aware of it.
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This post is not a suggestion list for the designers, it's just my personal brainstorming of what I would like to see (more of) in the October releases.
(I don't own the "terrible trio" expansions, so some of these ideas may have been implemented already, don't tell me.)

  • more reasons to pray at graves
  • a skill allowing non-matching character-specific skills (e.g. "teacher" or "adaptable")
  • a skill for expanding your inventory (e.g. "strong")
  • an item for expanding your hand limit (e.g. "sketchbook")
  • more uses for the blue banners (they are quite underused in the base game, except for the raft)
  • especially more uses of the
    bottle and shield
    banners (and more items providing those banners)
  • situation(s) where more than 1 banner can be used for the same action (e.g. you find a strange substance and can either fill the bottle or let the goat drink it or see how it reacts to light)
  • more (curse unrelated) major quests of medium complexity
  • speaking of major quests: more uses of "The Stone"
  • more
    collectible panoramas/murals

  • a task that would require players to split would be nice to see (would need special rules for single player)
  • bonuses that persist to the next adventure

Note: sometimes I'm deliberately vague as to not spoil anything.

Of course, I'm looking forward to all the things already announced like non-standard food, hot-air balloon, new skills, modes, explorers, treasures, areas etc. :)
I think that someone else has reported the missing Banished divider but then found it stuck to another divider - check them well.
Every brown box in the game needs you to use a white box.

Short explanation:
:action_swim: (white box) is an action that you can take.
For example, the Tired state has :action_rest: - you can do the action to return the Tired state.

:action_condition: is an (bonus) effect activated when corresponding :action_empty: action is taken.
For example, a card in your hand may give you :action_condition: :icon_succes: - it means that every time you do the action depicted in :action_condition: you will get a bonus (1 :icon_succes: in this case)

The Bloody state works exactly the same as the rest of the game - it gives you a bonus when you manage to do a :action_swim: acton - that bonus is returning the state card.
It is ok to not have the 109 card (or quite a bit of others - see the official card list).

The reason for "109" divider is actually to separate cards 100-108 from the rest (you will understand when you see them).
I actually made some extra dividers (101, 102, 103, ..., 108) to make the gameplay even more convenient